marcela levi


3 against 2: Psycho Tropics

The rhythms of 3 against 2 are a polyrhythm. The new creation by Improvável Produções borrows from music the notion of polyrhythmia - the juxtaposition of rhythms - to think-practice the coexistence between different in a non-separatistic way, thus enabling different rhythms to sound together and produce other chords.

According to the indigenous thinker Ailton Krenak, the tropical rainforest is a web of intertwined lives. In the rainforest the paths are winding. There are shadows, there are plants that kill and those that heal, the brush and bushy ones. The rainforest sways, is full of meanders, unevenness, sounds, many sounds. The rainforest raves, under the earth the roots weave, pierce, and entangle their arms that grow down, up, and sideways. The tropical rainforest whispers myths, it pulsates and expels rumors and mirages: Psycho Tropics. The rainforest is crossroads, it is polyrhythmia.

3 against 2: Psycho Tropics is an exercise of the imagination that seeks to interweave distances. The piece is woven between three performers as a network where lines in tension and time distortions contour empty spaces, intervals, suspensions, pauses, resonance spaces of a non-linear narrative that seeks to bring geometry and psychedelia together.

The Old Way Vogue's style is characterized by line formation, symmetry and precision and is inspired by Egyptian hieroglyphics. L'Après-midi d'un faune, Nijinsky's first choreography was inspired by the movements of Greek friezes, Egyptian and Assyrian frescoes. In both, Old Way and L'Après-midi d'un faune, the erotic is strongly present.

What if the Faun of forests, myths and Nijinsky's ballet met the Old Way style of the Vogue movement? What if the echo of the name of the god Pan – Pan Pan Pan Pan – made Beethoven's fifth symphony sound? Will the crowd go wild, or will it be Pan Pan Pan Panic, terror and bomb, the crowd going crazy?

Concept and direction: Marcela Levi & Lucía Russo
Performance and co-creation: Lucas Fonseca (Legendary 007), Martim Gueller and Romec
Text: Joana Levi
Assistance: Lucas Fonseca
Light design and technical direction: Laura Salerno
Sound design: Levi, Russo and Gueller
Costumes: Levi & Russo
Sound technician: Luciano Siqueira
Production: Improvável Produções
Co-production: Julidans, CCN de Caen en Normandie dans le cadre de l’Accueil-studio, Sítio Canto da Sabiá and Something Great
Support: Centro Coreográfico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro/Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, O Rumo do Fumo and Retomada Cultural RJ 2/ Estado do Rio de Janeiro/Secretaria de Estado de Cultura e Economia Criativa
Distribution: Something Great