marcela levi
(portuguese word that means whoever bites or whatever is bitten)

Marcela Levi & Lucía Russo | Improvável Produções
Brazil | Argentine
This is not a question of returning to the violence of myth, which purifies and redeems, but rather of accepting violence as something that is part of us and extirpate its creative, anti-determinist, dirty dimension; no longer to seek causes or understand, but rather to incorporate in another context - bodies in contact - the effects, gestures and rhythms undertaken by this force. What is usually feared and evaded, always presupposing violence that is exterior to the body or to life, begins to function as vital energy. Also, as a result, the violence expressed in this way perhaps conveys a shadow of eroticism, with the biting performers suggesting an erotic current running through their bodies.
(Laura Erber on Mordedores)
Artistic direction:
Marcela Levi & Lucía Russo
Performance and co-creation: Ícaro Gaya, Lucas Fonseca, Lucía Russo, Monique Ottati, Tamires Costa and Thadeu Matos
Collaboration in the creation process: Ana Maria Krein, Daniel Passi, Gabriela Cordovez, João Victor Cavalcante, Kandyê Medina, Luan Machado, Marilena Alberto, Thiane Nascimento and Tony Hewerton
Dramaturgic collaboration: Laura Erber
Collaboration in the writing of the project: Rita Natálio
Light designer: Andrea Capella and Isadora Giuntini
Sound designer: all the team
Graphic designer: Paula Delecave
Video: Leo Nabuco and Luiz Guilherme Guerreiro
Photo: Paula Kossatz, Renato Mangolin and Laura Erber
Artistic residencies: Centro Coreográfico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro and Cultural Centre Sítio Canto da Sabiá
Support: Centro Coreográfico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Centro de Artes da Maré, Lia Rodrigues Cia de Danças, Casa Funarte Paschoal Carlos Magno and Projeto Entre/ Espaço Cultural Municipal Sérgio Porto and Bisturi Material Hospitalar
Sponsorship: Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro and Secretaria Municipal de Cultura (SMC)
Co-production: Iberescena and Cooperativa Disentida
Distribution: Something Great (Berlin - DE)
Production: Improvável Produções
Thanks to: Ginetta Levi Mortera, Sérgio Rezende, Patricia Giannetti, Lia Rodrigues, Paula Mori, Andréia Pimentel, Centro Coreográfico`s team, Fabiano Carneiro, Catarina Saraiva, Joelson Gusson, Daniela Amorim, Marta Vieira - Projeto Entre/ ECM Sérgio Porto, Espaço SESC, Carolina Herman, Paula Giuria, Javier Contreras Villaseñor, Daniela Marini, Nelson Avilés, Evoé Sotelo, Tania Leyes, Sueli de Freitas, Teka, Bebel Franco, Victor Vidigal, Luan Crespo, Esther Weitzman, Kátia Passos, Danilo Bracchi, Vitor Nascimento, Michele Campos de Miranda, Raquel Minervino, Vittória Braun, Manuela Gaya, Arancha García, Natalia Álvarez Simó, Laura Samy, Escola de Cinema Darcy Ribeiro.